EasyEquities - Research Portal

Here's looking at you! Results from our investor survey

Written by TeamEasy | 09-Jul-2018 14:18:10

Knowing where you're at, and how we can keep creating and improving on more of the stuff you need as investors is what gets us up every morning. And so we were like kids in a candy store going through the survey you filled out for us on your investing journey. It really highlighted some key differences in how you think based on your generation and where you're at right now. Below are the results from three different groups of investors: Those of you who are Uninvested and haven't managed to get your moolah in the market just yet; those of you who are Invested and growing your knowledge and wealth day by day, and those of you who are Parked at the moment, meaning you haven't been actively investing for a while. 

Which one are you? Tell is on Twitter or better yet tune into the Facebook Live Chat and podcast we're hosting with JustOneLap on Tuesday 10 July to hear it all unpacked.